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Investor Relations

Investor relations (IR) cover the communication between Ibinex and our users.

Great IR is a cornerstone of our approach, and key to how we regard ourselves as an organization. For us, all great companies also have great IR.

Our communication with you will always be 100% transparent. We’ll keep you informed about new trading opportunities and risks, usually on a daily basis. Markets change day by day, hour by hour, so we know how important it is that the information you’re basing your trades on is up-to-date. We’ll strive to make sure you’re never behind the curve – and that where possible, you’re ahead of it.

IR relates to our approach too. If we’re planning on making changes to the site, our platforms, or our terms of service, we’ll let you know. We don’t like to stand still, which means we’re always looking for ways to improve our services in ways that will benefit you.

And of course, great IR is also about listening. If you have any feedback or suggestions about how we can improve, please let us know.